Young Foundation Offering Grants for Research and Innovation

Deadline: 7th November 2022

Funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), the Community Knowledge Fund seeks to foster stronger community connections to research and knowledge sharing, with a focus on the following two themes:

  • Community safety and resilience.
  • Environment and sustainability.

There is a total funding pot of £950,000 to support up to 34 grants over two phases:

  • In Phase 1, development grants of up to £10,000 will be awarded.
  • In Phase 2, a small number of larger grants from £50,000 up to £100,000 will be awarded.

At the moment, applications are only being accepted to Phase 1, which supports grantees to create the conditions for research and innovation and to develop and begin early testing of their ideas.

Applications will be accepted from constituted not-for-profit groups with a defined legal status and local authorities. Partnership applications are also invited.