The VSI Alliance

Supporting the voluntary and community sector

Project Introduction
The VSI Alliance is a unique collaboration developed to support the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector in Calderdale
Based in our Halifax office, Forum's team works with three other charities and two public sector bodies to provide a wide range of capacity-building, volunteering support and strategic representation for VCSE organisations working in communities in Calderdale
I’d just like to say how brilliant and immediately useful Pippa Robson’s half day training on 'Demonstrating Impact' was to me and to Hebden Bridge Arts. I was in the middle of drawing together several end of project funder forms and evaluation reports and wondering how to communicate what we had done to the public and have it available to potential future funders. The course completely addressed this, and also made me think about design of evaluation in future, so we can fill in the gaps in how we tell our story. Pippa’s preparation, which included researching the online presence of each participant’s organisation, and including time to chat with us as a group about our particular challenges, meant this was a lovely and informative session.
Hebden Bridge Arts
What we do
The VSI Alliance team provides tailored support to communities and the VCSE sector in Calderdale on the following:
  • Organisational development support and governance advice
  • Fundraising, funding strategies and income generation
  • Volunteer recruitment, matching and development
  • Project planning and demonstrating impact
  • Engagement Champions
  • Voice and representation of the VCSE sector
  • Specific support on community safety and safeguarding
  • Partnership brokerage and development
  • Specialist financial advice and services
  • Social enterprise, business development and community asset transfer

Meet the The VSI Alliance Team

VSI Alliance Calderdale Team

Charlie Johnston
Delivery Manager
Olivia Swingler
Organisational Development Officer
Pam Barmby
Volunteer Development Officer
Kate Hornby
Volunteer Hub Co-ordinator
Jane Woodcock
Food Poverty Co-ordinator

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