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We’re experts in supporting the voluntary and community sector through our services, advice and consultancy. Talk to our Expert Team.

Contact our Staff Teams

Forum Core Team

Jason Stamp, Chief Officer:

[email protected], 01482499030

Pippa Robson, Deputy Chief Officer:

[email protected], 07791040433

Gail Baines, Operations Manager:

[email protected], 07398141818

Tracey Penrose, Finance Manager:

[email protected], 01482499030

Chloe Buckely, Senior Business Support and Facilities Officer :

[email protected], 07355034843

Amy Hallett, Communications Officer:

[email protected], 07572896859

Sector Connect Hull

Louisa Ingleson, Organisational Development Co-ordinator:

[email protected], 01482499030

Amy Elton, Safeguarding Co-ordinator:

[email protected], 01482499030

Primary Care

Julie Lee, Primary Care Link Worker:

[email protected]

Kara Savage, Primary Care Link Worker:

[email protected]

Kirsty Skerrett, Primary Care Link Worker:

[email protected]

Bethany Allen, Primary Care Link Worker:

[email protected]

Zoe Jordan, Primary Care Link Worker:

[email protected]

Hylie Baxter, Primary Care Link Worker:

[email protected]

Community Engagement

Linda Conway, Delivery Manager Engagement and Development:

[email protected], 07543501264

Community Navigation - Social Prescribing

Marie Johnson, Delivery Manager - Social Prescribing :

[email protected], 01482259956

Ismael Ahmad, Community Navigator:

[email protected], 01482259956

Ryan Lewis, Community Navigator:

[email protected], 01482259956

Claire Wardhaugh, Community Navigator:

[email protected], 01482259956

Tariq Ibrahim, Data Officer:

[email protected], 07355034269

VSI Alliance

Charlie Johnston, Delivery Manager:

[email protected], 01422431090

Olivia Swingler, Organisational Development Officer:

[email protected], 01422431090

Pam Barmby, Volunteer Development Officer:

[email protected], 01422431090

Kate Hornby, Volunteer Hub Co-ordinator:

[email protected], 01422431090

Jane Woodcock, Food Poverty Co-ordinator:

[email protected], 07803846366

Sector Support North East Lincolnshire

Jennifer Johnson, Delivery Manager:

[email protected], 01472402994

Amy Hallett, Senior Project Support Officer:

[email protected], 01472402994

Hannah Salah, Organisational Development Co-ordinator:

[email protected], 01472402994

Jackie Lawrence, Project Administrative Officer:

[email protected], 01472402994

Lived Experience

Sarah Hicks, Lived Experience Co-ordinator:

[email protected], 07548763853

Community Inclusion

Yanina Ferreira Chicaiza , Community Inclusion Co ordinator :

[email protected], 07791041058

Julie Rodrigues, Community Inclusion Officer:

[email protected], 07377733216