The Whirlwind Charitable Trust

The Whirlwind Charitable Trust’s primary focus is to enhance the potential for success in life of young and disadvantaged people who could not otherwise participate in the activities they fund. They define this group as being up to 25 years of age. Applications from established registered charities are preferred but could be waived if there is strong supporting evidence that funds will be deployed exactly as agreed.

The charity funds projects that provide opportunities for personal development through individual challenge and teamwork and access to potential role models through leadership and mentoring, with an emphasis on maritime and outdoor pursuits. They favour applications that can demonstrate:

  • Involvement in maritime or outdoor pursuits and a level of challenge appropriate to the circumstances of the individuals involved.
  • Longer term contact, mentoring and support for those individuals.
  • The fullest utilisation of capital assets.
  • Modest organisational overheads and employee salaries.
  • A high percentage of volunteer help.
  • Donations focused on delivery rather than general overheads.
  • A competitive day/person cost for the activities envisaged.
  • Access for people who could not normally participate.
  • An aim to give “at risk” individuals a fresh, constructive focus so that they can fulfil their own potential and make a positive contribution to society.
  • A positive educational element, particularly with regard to the environment..
  • A high standard of service efficiency in their dealings with Whirlwind.

According to the charity’s annual accounts, in 2021 they awarded 109,522 to 21 projects, in grants ranging from £1,000 to £10,000, the average amount being £5,222, but most grants were for between £2,000 and £5,000.

Applications take up to six months to process. Trustees review donations every three months in January, April, July and October, with a cut off date for new applications 2 weeks before each meeting.

The next deadline is 18th July but applications that miss their deadlines are carried over to the next quarter.

For more details and guidance, and to find out how to apply visit the charity’s website.