Santander Foundation Financial & Digital Empowerment Fund

Santander have developed the Financial & Digital Empowerment Fund to help more people in the UK become digitally and financially empowered.

They want to support UK charities to give people the digital confidence, knowledge, and skills to enable then to make better, more informed decisions about money and have access to financial services.

The Foundation want to reach lone parents, single pensioners, migrants and refugees, those with long term illnesses and disabilities, those struggling to find sustained employment and households headed by students or part-time workers. These are among the groups most commonly excluded from financial services.

People with low or unstable incomes, or those who have experienced a significant life shock, are particularly affected by financial exclusion. The pandemic will only have made this situation worse, as more and more basic services have moved to the web. They want to help charities build their capacity to help people to become digitally and financially empowered.

They aim to award 12 grants of up to a total of £150,000 per organisation. They’ll award grants over a three-year period.

You can find full details here