Islamic Relief grants

Islamic Relief’s grant programme makes grants to organisations supporting initiatives to empower and increase support for marginalised and vulnerable people and their communities within the UK.

Eligible applicants may include : local community, self-help or voluntary groups and charities (including local branches of national charities) acting for the benefit of the local community. Applicants must have a constitution and a bank account. Grants of between £1,000 to over £100,000 are available for projects that meet one of the following themes:

  • Build resilience to poverty
  • Combating challenges faced by women
  • Support refugee and asylum-seeking populations
  • Promoting and facilitating the development of young people and their families

Find out more and download the application pack, or access the online application form on the Islamic Relief website.

Grants are made annully.

Deadline for applications is midnight Sunday 28th August 2022