BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Programme
Deadline to apply Open
Size of Grant items will be provided directly rather than awarding a cash grant
Fund Type Family Services
About the funding

This fund is by Family Fund Business Services who are working in partnership with Children in Need to support children and young people who are facing exceptionally difficult circumstances.

some of the following item can be funded for critical need: 

  • Cookers
  • Furniture
  • Kitchen equipment and small appliances
  • Children’s beds and bedding (including cots)
  • Washing machines and tumble dryers
  • Fridges, freezers and fridge-freezers
  • Baby equipment
  • Clothing for an emergency/crisis

Applications must be made through an organisation that is supporting the family or young person and is capable of assessing their needs, and that can also administer the grant. 

View previous funding opportunity Centre for Homelessness Impact - Test & Learn Programme
View next funding opportunity Crowdfunder: Energy Efficiency Sharematch