Black & Minoritised Women’s Fund

Deadline 1st October

Applications for £10,000 grants are open!

The grants can be used for work that supports Black and minoritised women and girls to deal with the impact of COVID-19.

Women’s voluntary and community organisations are a cornerstone for sustainable and stable communities, and are crucial to the advancement of equality and women’s rights.

Women’s Resource Centre (WRC) is a national charity committed to working towards human-rights by supporting and understanding small specialist women’s groups and charities. Through delivering programmes, creating networking opportunities and by campaigning and influencing decision-makers, the work that WRC does is essential to ensure a diverse and thriving sector that achieves the best outcomes for women.

Ten months on from their last survey they  wanted to see how women’s organisations across the UK were faring, and asked what the respondents considered to be their top three pressing challenges at this point in the pandemic.

The top two priorities were related to supporting service users (trying to meet increased demand for services and dealing with their more complex needs) and thirdly, organisational survival, namely funding issues post March 31st.

Black and minoritised women’s organisations reported markedly more demand than other organisations in the following areas: emergency basic services; refuge beds; enquiries/signposting and mental health support. 58% of all organisations who completed the survey are a bit or very worried about surviving this crisis. 14% reported being very worried. Organisations outside of London are worried the most

WRC is pleased to be able to support the Black and minoritised led-by and for women’s sector (charities and groups predominately working with women) who have been disproportionately impacted by Covid-19 with the core grants it needs to deliver critical services at this time.

You can find full information here