Through this Department of Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) programme capital grants to Community Energy Groups, Public Sector Organisations, charities and other eligible organisations to deliver local energy projects.
All successful projects must be completed, and funding drawn down, by the end of September 2025.
Please read the guidance document in full before you apply. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your project eligibility, please contact [email protected].
Some key fund info:
- Min grant value is £30,000, maximum grant value is £245,000.
- Capital expenditure, not feasibility or development funding.
- Grants paid in arrears against confirmed spend which can be claimed quarterly.
- Max 50% grant. Projects will be expected to include match funding of a minimum of 50% of the overall project value, with at least 20% of this coming from commercial investment which can include the applicant’s own funds. The other 30% can be from other funders suitable to match DESNZ funds.
Eligible project costs can include:
- Equipment, plant, and machinery (directly leading to quantifiable resource/energy efficiency)
- Energy Technology installations (low carbon / renewable technologies only). TVCA as Accountable Body reserve the right to take a charge on the asset.
- Groundworks / building works and other necessary preparations.
- Site surveys, mitigations or other abnormal costs associated with project construction or installation
- Internal labour costs only where there is a compelling case, and the market is not able to supply or provide value. If agreed, internal labour costs will be supported at base salary rate, subject to a review of how reasonable the costs are).
The following organisations are eligible to apply, subject to UK Subsidy Control regulations:
- Public sector (including Local Authorities, Combined Authorities, NHS)
- Schools and Education Providers
- Community Energy Groups
- Charities/Third Sector
- Farming/Food production
All project proposals must focus on at least one of the NEY Hub’s Strategic Priorities:
- Renewable Energy Technologies (Solar, wind, biofuels, Community Energy Projects, batteries and energy storage, etc.)
- Heat Decarbonisation (Public building retrofit, etc.)
- Natural Carbon Sequestration (Biobased construction, low carbon farming, etc.)
- Circular Economy (Heat Networks, etc.)