Working class fundraisers should feel proud of their roots

David Lacey discusses why he decided to set up a network for working class fundraisers and the barriers people with his background face in the charity sector.

Lacey always assumed he would work in a shop when he was older, like his parents both did. He stumbled into working for charity and was shocked to find a lack of working class people in the space.  He has worked in the charity sector for almost 20 years, largely in fundraising roles. He is currently director of fundraising at the Eve Appeal. However, upon entering the sector, Lacey felt “really out of place” when he realised his colleagues were from vastly different backgrounds. They would talk about their various holidays while he had very rarely gone abroad, or discuss their private or degree-level education that he did not have. Lacey admits to changing his accent since joining the sector in a bid to fit in. But the longer he’s been in the sector, the more he realised there are “more and more people” who are working class – they had just been hiding it, too.  See more at: The Civil Society (david-lacey-working-class-fundraisers-should-feel-proud-of-their-roots)