Skill Up BME Community Leadership programme Pilot

This is a new initiative being funded by the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, designed to provide personal and professional development opportunities for members of the BME community in both Hull and North Lincolnshire.

This work is being delivered by an experienced organisation called Impact Culture.

The Skill Up programme will commence in January 2023 and last for approximately 6-months. More information about the programme can be found in the attached information leaflet.

We are looking to recruit a cohort of 12 participants from Hull and I am writing to you to ask you to share this information via your networks and to also ask you to consider referring people you may know and work with onto the programme.

It is particularly focused on new and emerging leaders and people who may not have had the opportunity to take part in similar programmes before.

To nominate people to participate in this work please could you follow this link to complete registration forms Register your interest – here.

Skill Up Leadership Programme Information (Logo Attached)