Sighted Guide & Fosterer volunteering roles – Guide Dogs for the blind

Guide Dogs for the Blind are recruiting for Sighted Guides in your community!
Sighted Guide: Here’s my arm, where do you want to go?

Volunteer as a sighted Guide and open up a new world to individuals living with sight loss .

These partnerships reduce social isolation, improve mobility, and increase confidence by helping people to get out and about, and do the things they want to do, some examples are going for walks, to the gym. swimming . museums, coffee shops, garden centres, sporting events and much, much, more .

Partnerships are matched by interest and are culturally sensitive.

Visit our website put in your postcode and apply directly online.

Alternatively, email:  [email protected] or [email protected]

Guide Dogs for the Blind are actively recruiting for volunteer fosterers
Fosterer: Can I come for a sleep over?

Can you give a guide dog in training a stable home during their training?

Do you live in the area or know people who do who would be interested in the role?

You will receive full training , support , travel expenses and all food supplied and vet costs covered.

“Fostering ticked all the boxes for me – having a dog at home around work, helping a worthy organisation, and developing a greater understanding and appreciation of what Guide Dogs’ trainers do.” – Lindsay, Fosterer

If so, visit our website put in your postcode and apply directly online.

Alternatively, if you would like further information, please email:  [email protected]