SAVE THE DATE – TPP Ladies Bazaar

The Peel Project are pleased to confirm their Ladies Bazaar event will be held on Saturday 18th March 2023. The event is held three times each year, and the upcoming bazaar will coincide with the
beginning of Ramadan. Please add the dates to your diaries, and they will be in contact early next year with more information and stall holder booking information.

The event has been a well received event by many BAME Muslim women as they address the lack of culturally appropriate recreational events for minority ethnics. It is well attended with in excess of 300 women attending at each event. As always they expect a diverse variety of ethnic fashion, perfumes, jewellery and ethnic foods and desserts stalls from local BME women.

This is a great opportunity for local agencies to experience a gathering of diverse ethnic communities, engage with hard to reach women and bring exposure to your organisations. Over the past year they have had various health agencies, emergency services, councillors and MP’s attend to network and hold informational stalls, share health messages or community safety information and build relationships with their service users. Several of these agencies they now work in partnership with as they continue to engage and visit their service users via their regular weekly activities and perform workshops and community research.

For more information or if you have requests please feel free to contact Jamal Choudhury, Director | Operations Manager on tel: 07790 770174.  They hope you are able to attend to hold an information stall, provide any services, or quite simply to celebrate and experience ethnic women enterprise and culture.