Rethink Mental Illness – Report

Read Rethink Mental Illness’s new report, which explores key learning from the first full year of implementation of NHS England’s landmark Community Mental Health Framework.

We believe that the creation of the Framework, and more recently the introduction of Integrated Care Systems that will help deliver it, represent a once-in-a-generation opportunity to change community mental health care and support for the better.

It has and will take determination and vision to make this happen, and we must remain patient about delivering it. One year in, it is too early to make a definitive judgment about whether the potential of the Framework has been realised.

There is, however, an enormous amount to be encouraged about. While there are clear challenges that it will be necessary to overcome to guarantee radical change in the quality of care, there are also outstanding examples of good practice.

Our new report, Getting started: lessons from the first year of implementing the Community Mental Health Framework, highlights some of these experiences and paints an encouraging picture of effort and determination to make transformation happen.  Click here to read the full report.