New Funders, Free Resources & Help

The Crisis Impact & Forecast has been updated, with a new section that identifies the main announcements from the Autumn Statement and what that means for charities. I’ve also updated the overall assessment. Why this crisis is very different to Covid, the key factors driving it, the results of our service demand survey, which charities will be impacted the most and when, and when the sector might begin to recover.

Congratulations to the 60 non profits that’ve achieved the Quality Mark since end Sep. Why bother? Well, funders and others want to know your charity is well run and, let’s face it, too many aren’t.  The QM help you show that you’re not one of them. It’s awarded once you successfully complete all 8 questionnaires; 30 mins each. As importantly, it’ll analyse what you’ve told it to identify opportunities to achieve more and you can access the entire resource hub using your interactive dashboard and the query system.