LGA’s cost of living support hub

The Local Government Association (LGA) recently launched a Cost-of-Living support hub to help councils continue to support residents and a new monthly Cost of Living bulletin, both of which highlight the latest news from the government including examples of good practice, latest reports and data and upcoming events.

The rising costs of fuel, food and other essentials are combining with existing disadvantage and vulnerability within our communities to put many households at greater risk of both immediate hardship and reduced opportunity and wellbeing.

Councils and local partners have delivered remarkable services and support and will continue to do what they can to protect people against higher costs, targeting help at those facing the most complex challenges.

This hub has been designed to share best practice and help councils to support their residents with the rise in the cost of living. Case studies and resources can be found for each topic area in the pages below.

We will be updating the hub on a regular basis. If you would like your council’s work featured please email [email protected].