Hull City Council – Cost of living support packages

Hull City Council have launched a package of measures, called ‘Hull Together’, to ensure people understand how to ask for help and advice. Information including the advice hub e-mail, phone number and web address, are being advertised on posters, leaflets, online, and in public spaces, including translations in languages commonly spoken locally.

They are working with partners in the Hull Cost of Living Network, including the Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB) and voluntary sector support group ‘Forum’, to put in place emergency support to alleviate financial pressures. In terms of the wider guidance, advice and signposting to other agencies who can help, they hope this is useful for everyone, wherever they live.

Measures include:

  • A one-off £100 payment to under-25s who are care leavers or receiving housing benefit or council tax support;
  • £15 per week food vouchers during school holidays for people who usually receive free school meals (FSM);
  • A £25,000 fund to help create ‘warm spaces’ – local businesses will be able to apply for funds to create spaces where people can stay warm, charge up their phones and have hot drinks;
  • A boost to a funding pot for those on low incomes to access a new boiler or improved insulation;
  • A £25,000 boost to local food banks, to help improve local food networks;
  • Additional funding for the ‘Warm Homes’ project;
  • And other extra measures around housing, finance, health, debt and fuel and energy.

Please look out for this campaign and if you, or any residents you are helping, need support more details can be found on, call 01482 300 303 or email [email protected]