High energy bills driving third of people to cut donations, survey suggests

A third of people in the UK and Ireland are likely to cut down the amount they give to charity due to increases to their energy bills, according to new research. In a survey of nearly 68,000 people, a third said they were likely to cut down the amount they give to charity because of the current economic climate while 25% were less likely to do so. Some 38% of respondents to the Movement for Good Awards’ research said they are more likely than ever before to have to call on help from a charity. It found that six in 10 people would rather support a local charity than a national of international one while half would prefer to donate to charities on the front line of the cost-of-living crisis. Just over half of people intend to give to front line charities supporting beneficiaries affected by the cost-of-living crisis, the poll found. Nearly all of those polled (95%) agreed that charities are more important than ever. Some 31% would prefer to volunteer their time rather than make financial
donations to charities.