WCIT – IT4Good Grant Programme
Deadline to apply 31st October 2024
Size of Grant £15,000
Fund Type Community
About the funding

This programme is open for the delivery and activities of IT projects to support the themes of education, inclusion, IT for charities, and understanding of IT.

Open to registered charity, educational establishment or organisation with a formal not-for-profit constitution.

The programme is likely to fund the following project:

  • The development and delivery of innovative new services, solutions, training, apps, analytics, AI, robotics, or accessibility features/hardware
  • Projects where WCIT are a material or sole funder
  • projects where WCIT are sole funder of the IT component of a larger project
  • organisations that could benefit from the pro bono support
View previous funding opportunity National Lottery Heritage Fund: Strategic Initiatives – Heritage in Need: Places of Worship
View next funding opportunity Arnold Clark Community Fund