National Lottery Heritage Fund: Strategic Initiatives – Heritage in Need: Places of Worship
Deadline to apply Open
Size of Grant £10,000,000
Fund Type Community
About the funding

Open to not-for-profit organisations to deliver projects that help places of worship across the UK.

The fund is interested in supporting tackling heritage challenges systemically, becoming more sustainable, sharing their heritage, and welcoming people from all backgrounds, including those who rarely visit.

NLHF aim is to support strategic projects in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland that have the potential to make an impact at a regional or national sector level and will:

  • Proactively tackle long-standing heritage issues at a large scale
  • Enable a coordinated cross-territory approach that will strengthen delivery
  • Address gaps where proposals are not coming through our National Lottery Heritage Grants programme
  • Accelerate new ideas and interventions where a deliberate approach is needed 
View previous funding opportunity 2024 Platinum Jubilee Village Halls Fund (Main Grants)
View next funding opportunity WCIT – IT4Good Grant Programme