Funding to tackle violence against women and girls

On 25 November, the government announced £15 million of funding to tackle violence against women and girls.

Over half (£8.4 million) will fund specialist support services for the most vulnerable which are led, designed and delivered by the users and communities they serve. The government has allocated up to £7.5 million for domestic abuse interventions in healthcare settings. The funding will equip more healthcare professionals with the right tools to better identify and respond to domestic abuse.

The government is also granting an additional £70,000 of funding for rapid forensic testing of samples from reported incidents of drink and needle spiking.

Last month, the government launched the second phase of the ‘ENOUGH’ campaign to tackle violence against women and girls. The campaign aims to provide bystanders with a range of safe ways to intervene if they witness an incident of violence against women and girls.

Councils are encouraged to share this announcement and to make use of the collection of ‘ENOUGH’ campaign assets and resources.