FoodCycle Hull Marfleet – Volunteers needed

FoodCycle, have a vision to make food poverty, loneliness and food waste a thing of the past for every community.

They connect communities, reducing loneliness and food poverty – working with thousands of volunteers and surplus food to help everyone who needs them. By creating welcoming spaces for people from all walks of life to meet, eat and have conversations, and by offering a weekly telephone Check-in and Chat, they are supporting people’s health and mental wellbeing.

By cooking with surplus ingredients, they promote healthy, sustainable attitudes towards food and its impact on the environment, and help people to learn more about healthy food.

They aim to inspire greater change by sharing the impact of their community dining spaces and the voices of their guests to encourage more people to join and support FoodCycle, so they can help more people and more communities.

Finally, they are always keen to recruit new volunteers to help their meals run, so should this be of interest to yourself or anyone you work with please see more information on their website.  There are plenty volunteer opportunities at our Hull Marfleet project.