Findings of the Rapid evidence review of community initiatives

An evidence review to explore the definitions and concepts of community infrastructure and social capital was carried out earlier this year in order to help achieve the aims of the Levelling Up The United Kingdom white paper.

This rapid evidence review had four objectives

  1. To explore the definitions and concepts of social infrastructure and social capital to help government determine how and when to use different terminology.
  2. To understand the strength and breadth of the evidence base about what works to deliver successful community (including community-led) initiatives to improve local social infrastructure and social capital.
  3. To understand what could be considered “success” in community-led infrastructure initiatives and how government can deliver value-for-money interventions in this space. This includes the outcomes that could be considered success and the inputs that determine success.
  4. To understand the strength of evidence on these issues and identify gaps and how they could be filled.

In its conclusions, the report sets out what is meant by social infrastructure and social capital and identifies evidence gaps.

Read the report on the Government website.