Changes to landline phone services in UK

The public switched telephone network (PSTN) that has traditionally been used to provide landline telephone services is being upgrated over the next few years.

BT has taken the decision to retire its PSTN by December 2025 and this means other providers that use BT’s network must follow the same timescale. Other companies with their own networks such as Virgin Media plan to follow a similar timescale. As yet, KCOM, (which was one of several local authorities across the country granted a licence to run its own phone network and which remains independent today), have not made any announcement about their plans to retire the PSTN system.

This means that in the future, landlines will be provided over fibre cables using digital technology, called Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).

For some people e.g. those without an internet connection currently, or those who use some telephone services such as telecare and personal alarms, the changes may be more involved. They will be contacted by their telephone service providers in due course.

Find out more about the changes on the OfCom website

Click here to keep up to date with KCOM news

Read Age UK’s simple and accessible explanation about the changes on their website.

Find a fuller but accessible explanation on the Which? website.