Calendar of national campaigns

NHS Employers, the organisation that supports NHS employers and workforce leaders, publishes a page on their website, listing some of the many awareness campaigns, health promotion days and celebration days that take place in the UK and the world.

Some regular calendar dates, such as Pride, International Women’s Day, MacMillan’s Coffee Morning, Stoptober and Black History Month are relatively well known, and so are easy to plan for.

Others enjoy a much less high profile, such as:

  • International Week of the Deaf People: 19-25 September 2022
  • National Eye Health Week: 19-25 September 2022
  • World Menopause Day: 18 October 2022
  • UK Malnutrition Awareness Week: 10-17 October 2022

To help you plan with your clients and beneficiaries, view the calendar or national campaigns on the NHS Employers’ website.