Becoming a qualified workplace mediator

Certificate in Workplace Mediation (CIWM) Accredited training
Start date: 7th November 2022

Why not add qualified Workplace Mediator to your CV? More than ever, Workplace Mediators are considered to be the best way to deal with workplace conflict and issues that in the past may have been ignored leading to bigger problems such as sickness, low morale, disciplinary or even Employment Tribunal proceedings. Less than one in ten organisations currently incorporate mediation in the employment contract and grievance and disciplinary procedures are the main instruments by which businesses communicate their policy towards mediation.

Find out how our CIWM can be the pathway to becoming a qualified workplace mediator. We have a CIWM course starting on 7th November.   Email: [email protected] us if you can’t make this event but would be interested in becoming a workplace mediator.