£421 million to boost drug and alcohol treatment across England

Local authorities across England will benefit from an extra £421 million government funding through to 2025 to improve drug and alcohol addiction treatment and recovery, the government announced today (16 February 2023).

The extra funding means that total local authority funding for treatment will have increased 40% between 2020 to 2021 and 2024 to 2025. It will enable the creation of over 50,000 high-quality places in drug and alcohol treatment.

The funding will enable local authorities to:

  • recruit more staff to work with people with drug and alcohol problems
  • support more prison leavers into treatment and recovery services
  • invest in enhancing the quality of treatment they provide – in turn helping make streets safer by getting people out of the addictions which are known to drive offending

More people will benefit from residential rehabilitation or inpatient detoxification, while improvements to the recovery services will sustain them outside of treatment – helping to reduce relapse rates.
Click here to read more.