What is a LADO (Local Authority Safeguarding Officer)

Amy Elton, Safeguarding Co-ordinator has published the following below to offer a further insight on the Local Authority Safeguarding Officer role and how to make a referral.

If you wish to get in touch with Amy you can email: [email protected]

What do you do when a serious concern or complaint is raised about one of your volunteers or staff?  If they work or volunteer with children up the age of 18 then your key statutory contact is the Hull City Council Local Authority Designated Officer, who can help guide you through how to look into this and offer you advice throughout the whole process.  Please contact them within 1 working day of a serious complaint (allegation) coming to your attention and we will support you.  You may be interested in knowing more about what the LADO does and the Government Guide associated with allegations, if so, you can book a free 90 minute, certificated training course through Hull City Council on the link below:

https://www.hull.gov.uk/LearningandDevelopment/  and search for Managing Allegations in the courses list.