Kingswood United CIO

Kingswood United CIO: Empowering Communities for Mental Wellness and Digital Safety

AJM Healthcare

Providing NHS wheelchair services to adults, young people and children in Hull and East Riding.

MS Society

Empowering communities through advocacy and support in health and social care decisions.


Confidential Drug and Alcohol Support.

Warm Homes Team (Hull City Council)

We support Hull residents who suffering from Fuel Poverty through the provisions of Grants, Advice & Support relating to keeping warm, affordably, at home.

St John Ambulance

Helping young people become the healthcare professionals of tomorrow and empowers people of all ages with lifesaving skills and the confidence to use them everyday.

Active Humber

Working in partnership with organisations to get the physically inactive active

Hull Sisters

Hull Sisters is a minority-led, feminist organisation dedicated to helping women. We provide specialist support, services and a safe space for black and minority women and children in Hull and East Riding.

Rooted in Hull

Rooted in Hull aims to promote and educate local people about food: how to grow veg, nutritional content, health diet choices, as well as basic construction, gardening and other agricultural volunteering tasks.