HullTogether food donation network
As part of #HullTogether, working to help people cope with the cost of living crisis we have established a city-wide network of food donation points and distribution to community food providers.
This focuses on public donation of ambient food to provide a sustainable food supply to community food providers over the winter period (October 2022 – June 2023).
This focuses on public donation of ambient food to provide a sustainable food supply to community food providers over the winter period (October 2022 – June 2023). Hull 4 Heroes, has become the logistical lead for six new food donation points across the city. The food donated by the public will be distributed to nineteen food banks across the city, supporting residents from all backgrounds and communities.
What we are looking for:
The food collection points are particularly looking for donations of ambient items such as long life milk, tinned and packet goods, cereals, soup, pasta and cooking sauces. When times are hard and people are having to manage on a tight budget, they often have to compromise on toiletries so donations of personal care items such as shampoo, toothpaste, soap, lip balm, deodorant, baby essentials and sanitary products are very welcome.
Where you can donate:
The Paul Ingle Boxing Academy – opening hours: Monday – Friday, 10am to 12pm
North Bransholme Community Centre
Lothian Way
Hull HU7 5DD
East Lodge – opening hours: Tuesday 10am – 3pm
Pearson Park
Hull KR – opening Hours: Monday – Friday, 10am to 3pm
Craven Park
Poorhouse Lane
St Stephens Management Suite – opening hours: Monday – Saturday, 9am to 7pm and Sunday 10.30am to 4.30pm
Ground floor level (near Tesco car park)
110 Ferensway
Freedom Centre – opening hours: Monday/Thursday, 8.30am to 5pm, Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday 8.30am to 6pm
97 Preston Road
Hull 4 Heroes Drop in Centre – opening hours: Monday – Saturday, 10am to 2pm
3rd floor, Princes Quay
How you can become involved:
We would like to establish a network of food donation points covering the following:
· Sporting events
· Cultural events
· Workplace donations
This will require a partnership approach with local sporting clubs, local authority venues and local employers. If this is something that your organisation would like to be involved in please contact [email protected]
How we can support businesses:
We know that businesses are doing as much as possible to support their staff, and we can work with you to ensure that you, and your employees have access to information regarding food accessibility as well as income maximisation, financial advice and social prescribing.
This network will enhance and strengthen existing systems supporting residents with food and financial insecurity in Hull.
How you can receive donations:
If you are involved with a community food provider and your organisation would like to receive donations please contact [email protected] to discuss this.
Announcing the new venues, Paul Matson, CEO and Founder of Hull 4 Heroes, said; “In hard times the people of Hull have always pulled together and supported anyone who may be less fortunate than themselves. I believe they will do so again now. Our local food providers are unfortunately needed now more than ever and are struggling to source the essential items they need. If the Hull community can help in any way, no matter how small, they could make a huge difference to someone else’s life.”
Cllr Mike Ross, Leader Hull City Council, commented, “I am really proud of the way that the city’s voluntary and community groups like Hull 4 Heroes, as well as individual residents have stepped up to offer help to people who are struggling to cope in the current cost of living crisis, and applaud their generosity. As a council, and working with our #Hulltogether partners, we will be doing everything we can to support our residents in these difficult times.”
As part of #HullTogether, working to help people cope with the cost of living crisis we have established a city-wide network of food donation points and distribution to community food providers.