Drax Foundation

The Drax Foundation was established in 2023 to provide grant funding for non-profit organisations that share the Drax commitment to improving equitable access to STEM education, community green spaces, and renewable energy….

The Headley Trust

Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts run The Headley Trust for UK registered charities and charitable organisations.

Thomas Wall Trust

This grant is for registered charities that have been with the Charity Commission a minimum of 3 years.

Wolfson Fabric Repair Grants

The fund aims to support organisations with essential fabric repairs at church buildings of all Christian denominations across the UK. The building must be of heritage significance.

Stobart Sustainability Fund

Open to community group, educational facility or a small business with a project or initiative to help create a green, more sustainable world.

Barchester Healthcare Foundation

Supporting supporting community health professionals, community groups and charities that combat isolation and loneliness and enable older people and adults with disabilities to be active and engaged.