Humber and North Yorkshire HCP review of collective ambition for longer and healthier lives

Please see the following sent on behalf of Sue Symington, Chair of Humber of North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership

Dear colleagues,

I am writing to share with you an exciting new document published today by Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership. This publication can be accessed on the following link:

Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership: A review of 2023/24. Our collective ambition for longer and healthier lives.

Across our partnership we have a collective ambition for everyone in our population to live longer and healthier lives, by narrowing the gap in healthy life expectancy between the highest and lowest levels in our communities by 2030 and increasing healthy life expectancy by five years by 2035.

We will achieve this by working collaboratively across our Integrated Care System. This publication is a showcase of a few examples of how, as partners, we have begun making a real impact for our communities.

This is demonstrated by the four factors which make up our vision ensuring individuals can Start Well, Live Well, Age Well and Die Well.

  • Start Well: Efforts to ensure every child has the best start in life include establishing a Humber and North Yorkshire Children and Young People’s Integrated ‘Start Well’ Board, improving maternity and neonatal services, promoting healthy lifestyles, enhancing mental health support in schools, and fostering community engagement.
  • Live Well: Initiatives include prioritising tobacco dependency treatment, enhancing Primary Care Networks, improving cancer diagnosis and treatment, and establishing Community Diagnostic Centres, resulting in improved patient access and outcomes.
  • Age Well: To support healthy and independent aging, urgent crisis response services, virtual ward beds, and improvements in diabetic care have been implemented. Collaboration with care providers and continued support and success of initiatives like the Jean Bishop Integrated Care Centre in Hull have been instrumental in promoting wellbeing among the elderly population.
  • Die Well: A Centre of Excellence for Palliative and End of Life Care has been established to improve care for individuals at the end of life, addressing preventable causes of death and reducing life expectancy gaps between different communities.

We also include a chapter on Drivers for Change.

Efforts to support and develop the health and care workforce are underway through our Breakthrough HNY Workforce Transformation initiative and the launch of careers websites aimed at inspiring individuals to pursue careers in health and care.

Population health and prevention strategies, such as tobacco control measures and health inequalities funding distribution, aim to address health disparities and promote well-being across communities.

Ongoing public engagement, including consultations on proposed changes to healthcare services, ensures that decisions are informed by patient and community experiences, fostering trust and collaboration.

Overall, this review highlights significant progress in achieving the partnership’s vision and ambitions, with a focus on collaborative efforts, innovation, and patient-centred care to improve health outcomes across Humber and North Yorkshire.

Sue Symington


Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership