Have your say in the development of our Adult Social Care strategy!

Hull City Council’s Adult Social Care are currently developing their strategy for 2025 – 2028. This strategy will set the guiding principles for Adult Social Care in Hull, to effectively meet the needs of people in Hull now and in the future. It will set out the vision for how they plan to make changes, working with people in Hull and all key partners.

They want to hear about your experiences and what your ambitions and vision are for the future of Adult Social Care in Hull.

You may have accessed our services, or you might be caring for someone who needs some extra support, or you may just have ideas how Adult Social Care can do things differently.

You may have accessed our services, or you might be caring for someone who needs some extra support, or you may just have ideas how Adult Social Care can do things differently.

Share your views here

If you require an Easy Read Survey, please visit here – https://forms.office.com/e/mWjAaEQUtA