BP Check Train the Trainer Project
“1 in 2 strokes and heart attacks are the result of high blood pressure, 1 in 3 adults in the UK have high blood pressure, 1 in 2 adults with high blood pressure don’t know they have it or aren’t receiving treatment, 6 million people in the UK alone have high blood pressure and don’t know it and £2.1 billion – that’s how much high blood pressure costs the NHS every year.”
Because high blood pressure usually has no symptoms, the first sign of it could be a heart attack or stroke. It can cause kidney disease, dementia and other illnesses too. But these tragedies can be prevented with medications and lifestyle changes.
The BP Check Train the Trainer project aims to reach those who have high blood pressure and don’t know it by increasing our capacity to be able to undertake opportunistic testing. Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership are keen to work with partners across the system, those working in the Local Authority, the Voluntary, Community Sector, Social Prescribers for example, who are working in known areas and populations with high CVD prevalence – in our most deprived neighbourhoods and population groups 40-74 years of age.
This project is led by the Health Innovation Network, this free training and BP monitor is for frontline workers from across the system, as part of Making Every Contact Count, to enable you to support people to take their blood pressure reading and understand their numbers and any next steps.
To find out more please contact [email protected]